How to Make the ACCEL Resources Tab Work for You
Have you ever come to the DE-CTR ACCEL website looking for helpful information and you weren’t sure where to go? Let’s break it down!
Along the left side, is a list of clickable categories:
- ACCEL Tip Line – Articles and posts for all the “tips and tricks,” helpful advice, and useful tools are part of the ACCEL Tip Line.
- Ask the Researcher – Our recurring “Ask the Researchers” in which we ask ACCEL researchers from all of our partner institutions and organizations to answer the same 5 questions.
- Featured – Want to see everything that’s scrolling at the top of our homepage? Check here!
- Funding Opportunities and Help – Announcement’s regarding ACCEL’s available funding grants including Shovel-Ready Pilot Grants, Jumpstart Grants, Mentored Research Development Award Programs, can be found here. In addition, non-ACCEL related funding opportunity announcements also can be found here.
- Innovative Discoveries (ID) Series – Each ID Series announcement (previous or upcoming) is here. The ID Series occurs on Fridays from Noon-1p.m.
- News – This section includes announcements, events, or other newsworthy posts related to clinical and translational research, ACCEL, and the DE-CTR partner organizations and institutions.
- Previous Events – All previous events, including ACCEL and non-ACCEL hosted events, are here for easy access.
- Research Meets Community – Articles and posts relating to community engagement, community engaged research, and translating health research into policy and practice are part of our Research Meets Community category.
- Research Spotlight – Articles and posts focusing on ACCEL researchers and research projects / work are featured in our Research Spotlight. These spotlights cover all research subjects and all levels of investigators.
- Tech Talk Series – Each Tech Talk Series announcement (previous or upcoming) is here. The Tech Talk Series occurs once a month on Thursdays from Noon-1p.m.
- Upcoming Events – All upcoming events, including ACCEL and non-ACCEL hosted events, are here for easy access.
Below the Resource Categories is a clickable button “View Newsletter Archives” to take you to all of our previous ACCEL E-News to Use newsletters.
At the bottom of the left sidebar is a section entitled Resource Tags. Think of these as keywords or hashtags linked across all the articles and posts within ACCEL’s Resources section.
- Each tag is clickable and will take you to a page that brings all the articles and posts together in one spot that have been tagged with that keyword. For example, if you were to click “National COVID Cohort Collaborative” you will be taken to a single page with over 6 posts related to the N3C and you can choose the most relevant post to you.
- The number next to each tag word or phrase tells you how many articles and posts are related to that particular tag. The more articles and posts with a particular tag equates to a larger font size for that tag.
Use the Search Bar at the top of the website next to the Resources tab to find exactly what you’re looking for! The search bar will provide posts and information from across the entire DE-CTR ACCEL website.
- ACCEL Accolades
- ACCEL Tip Line
- Ask the Researcher
- Featured
- Funding Opportunities & Help
- News
- Research Meets Community
- Research Spotlight
Latest Posts
- Innovative Discovery Series – Design Thinking: An Applied Introduction for Researchers
- Ask the Researcher: Elizabeth Wright-Jin, MD, PhD
- RFP Opening in January
- New Issue of In Focus Explores Technology and Innovation in Women’s Health Research
- DE CTR ACCEL Funding Opportunity for Clinical and Translational Pilot Grants Program
- Funding Opportunity: Research on Women’s Health in U3 Populations
- NIH Proposal Academy
- Ask the Researcher: Emily Day
- Tech Talk: Using Cross-Classified Multilevel Models To Estimate The Impact Of Patient-Level Risk Factors And Time-Varying Hospital Until On Healthcare-Associated Clostridioides Difficile Infection
- Virtual NIH Grants Process Primer for New Grant Administrators and Researchers