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2025 Interdisciplinary New Collaborative (INC) Awards

Goals and Background

The mission of the Delaware CTR ACCEL Program is to accelerate clinical and translational research that addresses health outcomes of Delawareans. The Interdisciplinary New Collaborative (INC) Awards are a new mechanism aimed at fostering new and innovative collaborations among investigators from different disciplines whose work spans different regions of the translation spectrum (see for NIH’s definition). For example, a proposal might pair testing the efficacy of a rehabilitation intervention in children with autism along with examination of blood and brain biomarkers that may be predictive of autism severity or responsiveness to the intervention. This would involve both basic and clinical research and might engage investigators with expertise in neurology, physiology, endocrinology, psychology, and/or physical rehabilitation all working together. Another example might be an engineer working on an innovative smartphone application to track distances walked in the community collaborating with a behavioral psychologist and an exercise physiologist focused on identifying and reducing barriers to increasing walking exercise among community dwelling older adults. INC Awards are $100,000 over 2-years.


Applications are due Friday, August 9, 2024 by 5:00 PM. PIs are strongly encouraged to complete the submission process well in advance of their deadline, as the submission windows will close at 5 pm sharp and no exceptions will be made. Partial or incomplete applications will not be reviewed. The Dashboard will open by June 30th.

**Please email Megan Wenner, PhD, Pilot Program Director, to state your intent for submitting an INC project by July 8th. Please include the team members and institutions, and 2-3 sentences of the scope of the work and how it is translational. This will aid the Pilot Core in the early identification of reviewers for these projects.**

Before a proposal can be submitted, all PIs must register as an ACCEL user and have a valid ORCID account linked to ACCEL. One PI should be dedicated to submitting the proposal. Proposals submitted under another user’s ACCEL account (i.e., support staff) will not be accepted.

See link below for full details.

Request for Proposals and Full Application Instructions