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Shovel-Ready (ShoRe) Pilot Grants

Goals & Background

In today’s highly competitive climate, many investigators submit strong proposals and receive good scores, yet are not funded. To help such investigators transition their good proposals into fundable ones, the ACCEL Program has created the Shovel-Ready (ShoRe) Grants Program. ShoRe grants are for Principal Investigators (PIs) who already have submitted a research grant application (NIH, PCORI, VA, NSF, etc.) and have received reviews but need funds to collect additional data to strengthen their resubmission and address reviewers’ concerns. ShoRe grants must be related to clinical and translational research.

Key Dates

  • August 19, 2024, 5pm - Application submission deadline
  • September 19, 2024 - Potential awardees notified
  • October 21, 2024 - Just-In-Time deadline (IRB/IACUC approval, human subjects certifications due)
  • January 1, 2025 - Anticipated project start date

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