Univ. of Delaware’s Biomedical Engineering Associate Professor Emily Day recognized as a member of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) 2022 College of Fellows.
The AIMBE Fellows “form a highly influential community advancing medical and biological engineering,” and “represent the most accomplished leaders in the fields of medical and biological engineering,” according to the AIMBE website.
Being a Fellow of AIMBE is not just an honor, but also a responsibility. The election of four UD faculty members this year demonstrates that the type of research being done in our College is top-quality science worthy of national recognition and that our faculty members are true advocates for the advancement of biomedical research.
Emily day, UDaily article
Dr. Day has been involved with the Delaware Clinical and Translational Research (DE-CTR) ACCEL Program since 2014 when she received a Pilot Project Grant. The following year, she received another Pilot Project grant to expand on the studies from the first year’s Pilot Project. These two Pilot Project grants would eventually aid Dr. Day in acquiring her first major award from the National Institute of Health (NIH): an R35.
In 2019, Dr. Day received a Shovel-Ready Pilot Grant from the DE-CTR ACCEL Program focusing on a different research project. This would help her to acquire funding from the University City Science Center QED Program, which subsequently led to funding from industrial partners.
Today, Dr. Day’s work continues to build upon the research she conducted as Primary Investigator (PI) on the DE-CTR ACCEL Program projects.