Pictured from back row to front, left to right: Dave Edwards, ACCEL Program Coordinator, University of Delaware; Sue Giancola, Director of Tracking and Evaluation Core, University of Delaware; Mary Lee, ACCEL Site PI, Nemours Children’s Health; Sangeeta Gupta, ACCEL Site PI, Delaware State University; Gregory Hicks, PI/PD of DE-CTR ACCEL Program, University of Delaware; Claudine Jurkovitz, Director of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design Core, ChristianaCare; Karen Hough, Program Administrator, University of Delaware; Michele McGuirl, Branch Chief of Research Advancement Programs, NIGMS/NIH; Laura Carlson, Provost, University of Delaware; Ming Lei, Director of Research Capacity Building, NIGMS/NIH.
The National Institute of Health, which funds the Delaware Clinical and Translational Reasearch ACCEL Program grant, recently visited the ACCEL program site at the University of Delaware (UD).
While ACCEL is composed of the 5 institutions including UD, Delaware State University, ChristianaCare, Nemours Children’s Health, Delaware, and the Medical University of South Carolina, the ACCEL award is considered a cooperative agreement; therefore, the NIH is considered a partner in the award.
In the year before COVID-19, NIH would perform site visits every 2 years to meet with the institutions. In October 2020, the NIH was scheduled for their bi-yearly site visit, but it was postponed due to COVID.
Fast forward to post-COVID October 2022, the NIH was able to visit UD!
ACCEL Principal Investigator Gregory Hicks, PT, PhD, FAPTA, was able to present on the program’s success and future endeavors. The ACCEL Scholars Program and the strategic partnership with the Delaware Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women also were presented.