The overarching goal of the Professional Development Core (PD Core), is to use an innovative approach to build mentoring, education, and career development programs guided by the concept that research should be driven by clinical need while being cognizant that the needs of different patient populations vary depending on current understanding of disease state, available treatments/therapies, and the ability to implement effective strategies in the clinic and community. By using synergistic approaches, combing the strengths and resources available across the ACCEL Program, we will transform translational research programs and encourage team-based approaches to research, creating coordinated access for investigators to establish innovative collaborations within the combined institutions of ACCEL. An expanded library of education and training programs in areas of mutual need will help to increase training opportunities available across sites and at all levels of research expertise.
How we can help you
The PD Core offers a wide array of resources to researchers of all levels of experience such as:
- Access to mentoring skills development
- Educational podcasts
- Mentoring resources from a large network of information
- Mentoring self-assessment tools